Sunday 15 May 2011

Week 2 - Planning

  Starting off this day we got shown some examples of vox pops from both the CRaM year 11 class and also others who had it as a project. It was both amusing and interesting to see the responses of the people about certain issues.  After watching I got in a pair with Maxime and starting discussing what the topic of our vox pop should be. We went with 3 main ideas : Video Games, Torrenting and Responsibility. After thinking of what questions we could ask and also which one would have a wider range of people to ask and of course which one we could easily ask and be a current issue. We decided to go with Video Games because it is a current topic to talk about and also is still growing. Now with the questions, we went with questions as before I had mentioned had to be for a good a number of age ranges. So we came up with a variety of questions that would fit with a lot of age groups like parents, teenagers and even people around their 20's and 30's. Questions like "how much would you let your child play video games?" or "how long do you play video games each day" and many more. After getting all the questions down on paper we decided which parts in town which would be best to as people about these things. We decided next to game shops and computer shops would be the ideal places. Then we started to do some research about video games to find out some shocking facts. We found out that in a forum at least 100 people play more than 4 hours a day!
We came up for a lot of other facts that were just as shocking. After all the planning we were ready to do some vox popping next week in town and see what people would answer.

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