Thursday, 23 June 2011

Week 4 - Editing

  After having filmed we started editing. After looking back at the footage I noticed that Maxime had somehow not captured 1 of the interviewees on film and another we had only filmed half of that interview. Another problem we had came across was that I had not asked the same exact questions each time. I seemed to have missed a few out on certain people (discluding the people that said "no" to our first question). So it looked like we only had 6 1/2 people in our film. Even though we did have a few mistakes in our footage we carried on with the editing and managed to share the work of editing between the 2 of  us so that it would be fair. We decided to let gaps inbetween each different question that we asked for a caption that we would enter later on.
  After finishing most of the editing we got on to making some background music that we could put throughout the film, so that no awkward silence could be heard. We got on garage band and came up with quite a good rhythm that would suit the film. We started getting it to fit with the film and then took one of the people we had interviewed and made him our intro since he did do something quite amusing and entertaining and tried fitting in a caption with the intro. We also decided to later in our own time to do some intros to our questions that the interviewees would answer, since we didn't have the software necessary at school.
  Overall I think I contributed a lot to the editing of our vox pops and think I should have planned a bit more before we went and did the vox popping so we wouldn't end up with the problems we had.

Our intro:

The questions we asked :

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Week 3 - Finally The Vox-Popping Begins

  After 3 weeks of working on my research report Maxime and I started our vox popping. My job was to hold the mic and wear the headphones and obviously ask the questions while Maxime used the camera and also asked the people on the street if they wanted to answer the questions. The main questions we asked were:

  • Do you play video games? (if yes)
  • What type of video games do you play?
  • How long do you play on weekdays and weekends?
  • Do you think that amount is alright?
  • (If younger than 18) Do you respect the age restriction on video games?
  • (If older than 18) Do you think people should respect the age restrictions?
  We first set off to the outside of the Grafton Centre. After a while I decided it would be best to come around this area during lunch hours since there were construction workers near the place we were filming and we would end up with horrible background noise.
  We then headed of to the Grand Arcade and asked a few outside there if they wanted to be interviewed. We managed to get 1 person throughout the time we had there so I decided we at least get 9 more people after we took a break.
  During the lunch hours we went back to the Grafton area and started asking people if they would like to answer our questions. We got 2 people and then a person from a shop asked what we were doing so Maxime and I explained about our project and then I asked the man if we could ask him the questions we had and he accepted. After interviewing he said we could ask anyone else that is part of there crew. We asked 1 more person from that shop and then set off to ask more people around that area. We then found tis man who came up to us and asked what exactly we were doing and then explained and he offered to help us. He knew a lot about the subject on vox popping and gave us some very entertaining footage to use.
  After that we headed to the marketplace, but didn't manage to find anyone to interview so we headed to a park nearby and managed to get 2 more people. So after that we decided that it would be enough footage to take back. Even though I set our target as at least 10 people we got close enough and even had more than the rest of the groups.
  So after today I developed a lot more skill in vox popping and it became slightly less awkward asking random people on the street to be interviewed. I say that it was an overall success and the editing will be the easy part of the project.
